World War 5000 (and varations)

Started by Corvin, 13 September 2018, 09:58:31

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I was wondering if you could review the very old and the few variations of the map?
You guys should have 3 or 4 varations of that map in zips. The only thing is I never had that I recall a readme for those maps. I think they where uploaded to AOL or BBS as just a .map file originally back in 1996.


I played it long ago and remember good times with them in multiplayer.


There is no "official" reviewer for this site, it's user driven. You are free to write whatever you want about that series of maps.

String together a few coherent sentences, add a score & some screenshots.
Take it down to the beach with a hammer and pound sand up your ass


That's good advice, I just haven't the time or interest. I wish I did though, for both.
Maybe in the future I'll get some interest for myself to do some.

I just thought since you where doing a bunch you could toss a request in.
Thanks otherwise.


I don't do write-ups on DM maps, as I almost never play DM. I only copy the template description (or lacking a template, I describe the environment and estimate how many players could fit comfortably). Then I take a few screenshots and give a link to where the file can be downloaded - all this if I "think" it would be a good DM map. I'm basically guessing.

I figured since you had a special interest in these maps, you could provide a proper write-up and score - something I wouldn't be able to do.
Take it down to the beach with a hammer and pound sand up your ass



A pak of Dukematch maps mostly from late 1997. It's difficult to tell who the original author is after all these years and with all the different versions that were made. Some of the earlier levels have a watermark with the name 'Nabiki', but that's not a guarantee that this is the person that made the original.
There are definitely several more versions available that aren't in this pak, but a majority of those don't change much besides start-points, or very minor changes in weapons and supplies. Most likely done by people who wanted to give themselves an advantage at the beginning of the match.
The basic map format consists of an open area with a canal, a couple platforms, and a couple bunkers. Around the perimeter are multiple passages and tunnels, some hidden behind masked walls. Probably best for 3 to 4 players through most iterations.
Take it down to the beach with a hammer and pound sand up your ass


Cool, you got to them! (I remember Wwar2000 and Wwar2500 plus a handful more.)

That back pit in the corner I remember has those metal sliders than can protect by putting up steel walls over the window openings that you can activate with a switch.

There was also a hidden one-way wall sniper spot high up in the wall opposite of the pit. In some screen shots is visible.

I had a couple modified ones that I think I lost one time when I updated my HD back in 1997 that had fliping and rotating platforms where the water was. aw well.

Anyhow it was good to see these.


I have few more versions of World War, or WwarXXXX, but I don't have 2000 or 2500. Unless they're buried in a zip file with a different name.
Take it down to the beach with a hammer and pound sand up your ass


I have floppy disks but there in some weird Windows95 compression format. But I doubt still that I have them. The maps I had sent to CGS included Wwar5000 6000 and 9999.

I think they might have came from the AOL server DN3D downloads/uploads. Back then I didn't have enough time to download everything that was there before 3DR closed support there.

I just remember having them and some my brother modified but where lost when I changed or formatted the HD.

I don't think that water trench was originally in the early Wwarxxxx maps.

But great to see these screenshots.


Quote from: Corvin on  21 October 2018, 07:28:04
I don't think that water trench was originally in the early Wwarxxxx maps.
Hard to say. I have a version that has nothing but a ramp and platform at one end, and the upper bunker in the far corner. There's nothing but a flat floor in between.
I don't even know if it's original, or someone was trying to copy the formula and gave up.

Doesn't help that the numeric values assigned to the maps don't correspond to the dates of the maps I have. E.g. Wwar6000 has an earlier date-stamp than Wwar3000 & Wwar5000
Take it down to the beach with a hammer and pound sand up your ass


Yup, I noticed that too. :) However considering I seen the original(s), or at least close to it back in 96or97 the water trench wasn't in there then.

The sniping spot across the bunker had a one way wall too, I forgot how to build it, maybe a sprite masked wall. You couldn't see the opening from the lower ground area.


I have a DM map that is called: "wwar_old"
Guess it belong in one of the packs you're talking about?
Buried under dirt, a diamond in the mud
Infinity is waiting there 'cause nobody can burn a glass cathedral


Quote from: Puritan on  21 October 2018, 10:01:00
I have a DM map that is called: "wwar_old"
Guess it belong in one of the packs you're talking about?
I think that's the one that has nothing but a ramp and the raised bunker that can only be accessed via teleporter. The date on it is after most of the WWar3000-9999 maps I have. Hard to say if someone was trying to make a new version based off the original, or they got hold of the original and were trying to make something new.
Take it down to the beach with a hammer and pound sand up your ass